At length, the day broke, resplendent, cloudless . 后来天破晓了,光辉灿烂,万里无云。
Byron himself is a disembodied idea, an aureate memory, compared with aaron . 跟埃伦相比,拜伦本人只是一个没有血肉的概念,一个光辉灿烂的回忆而已。
The darter had sounded the alarm and drawn first blood, but its day was done . 这一次是“飞鱼号”发出警报,立下了第一功,但是它光辉灿烂的日子随着结束了。
They had been reared in the most splendid and longest-living poetic tradition in world literature . 他们受过世界文学中最光辉灿烂而历史也最悠久的诗歌传统的熏陶。
The whole world would become shabbier without the splendid translations of literary works from all nationalities . 如果没有各民族光辉灿烂的文学著作的翻译,整个世界都将减色。
That you are as glorious in that dress as the sun when it rises or set in a soft october day, i'm ready to allow . 我早已承认,你穿上这件衣服就跟十月的朝阳和落日一样的光辉灿烂。
Whatever they did, they were all starsshining, glorious, showing the way to their followers below . 无论他们干了些什么,他们都是明星光辉灿烂的明星,给他们下界的追随者指引路程。
Tito's reputation as an agreeable companion in "magnificent" society made his learning and talent appear more lustrous . 帝托作为“伟人”社会里一个受欢迎的伙伴的声誉,使得他的学问和才能显得更加光辉灿烂了。
He began his life rather brilliantly with a pair of colours, a fine person and one of the most beautiful voices in the world . 他一生的开始本来也光辉灿烂,那时他两颊红润,气宇轩昂,嗓音清脆悦耳,是世界上第一流的。
Then the chemistry of vision could begin to work, and they would troop in review across his mind, each, by contrast, multiplying ruth's glories . 跟着,视觉的神秘作用活动起来,她们就会象受检阅似的列队通过他的脑海,相形之下,每一个人都使罗丝越发显得光辉灿烂。